Part 1 Beginning Of Time A little grey kitten named Jodi sat in a room thinking. "How am I suppose to find the lost Slr Star Senshi's?" Jodi sat up. "The Senshi's I trained so long ago were banished to never be found again." Jodi shook her head. "The only way to Star Senshi's are going to coperate with eachother is if they work as a team. They must be found!" Jodi jumped off her bed and ran outside. "They must be found! The Slr Star Team muse be found!" Kristina pushed her long brown hair out of her face with the cool wind blowing against her face. It couldn't of been a nicer day out. Kristina had lived in Tokyo for almost a week. She had lived in Canada since she could remember, but once her parents split up she had moved to Tokyo, Japan with her mother when her mother was offered a well paid job and which her mother enjoyed doing. Kristina had on white shorts with a green short sleeved shirt. The only thing Kristina didn't like about moving was leaving all her friends back home. Kristina wished she could of brought her twin sister Rebecca, who was living with her father back home in Canada. She also wished she was allowed to bring one of her rabbits, but she knew it was safer for them back home. Kristina walked over to her friends house after her mom had got home. She had promised her friend Kimi, who she met at school, who also moved to Tokyo but had been in Japan for over two years, that she would come over once her mother got home. Kristina's mom was very rich, one reason how they could afford to move, but was trying to get her daughter into wearing fancy clothes. Kristina fet very comfortable in Japan and knew Tokyo well. "Yamate!" Kristina yelled at a ground of Japanese youngsters. Even know Kristina was Canadian, she knew Japanese well from her grandparents. Two young childern looked up and grinned at Kristina. Kristina took a step forward with her hand on her hips. She yelled at them again then the kids ran away. Kristina smiled and knelt down, her hand carefully picking up the kitten. Looking at her watch, noticing the time then sighed. "You are so cute kitty," Kristina said petting and comforting the kitty. Kristina looked at the cats face noticing the star. Jodi lay in her arms whimpering and crying. "Meow," Jodi said slowly. After noticing the star she decided to touch it. Energy came running into her with a battle. She shook it off and decided to walk until she reached Kimi's house. 20 Mins later Jodi was feeling better after some sleep and a bowl of milk. Kimi and Kristina had been talking in English when Jodi woke up. "You just found her getting beat up?" Kimi said smirking. Kristina nodded and added that Kimi's little brother was helping. Kimi swore and said she'd deal with him later. "Kimi, do you think she can stay here? My mom doesn't want any pets." Kristina laid down on Kimi's bed thinking. She mumbled something in Japanese and sat up. Jodi had been laying down on Kimi's bed trying to understand the girls. Jodi began to talk slowly in Japanese when Kimi and Kristina stoped. They looked over at Jodi and smiled. "The Slr Star's must be found." Jodi muttered in Japanese. The two girls swtiched language and Kristina asked about the energy. "They energy came from my star." Jodi looked up and smiled. "Energy was only released to mean you are one of the team. To me you look like a leader, but your power will tell me who you are." The two teenagers looked at eachother in surprise. "I don't blame you for looking schoked, but the Star Senshi's are valuable allies to the Slr Team." Kimi and Kristina giggled a little not believing Jodi. The girls started talking about school in English while Jodi controlled her temper of not being believed. Jodi clayed at Kristina's arm who yelled out of pain and grined at Jodi. Looking at her bloddy arm which had been scratched at in the shape of a star. Jodi jumped off the bed then stared at Kristina. "Believe me you will be who you were destined to be." Jodi growled, startaling the girls. "Silver Crystal Power, it will know who is who like you are the leader kurisutiina-san and kimi-san!" Jodi was now calmer and taped her paw impatiently. The girls shrugged at eachother decided. "Silver Crystal Power," Kristina yelled loudly while Kimi and Jodi plugged their ears. Kristina closed her eyes. A yellow fiver pointed star appeared on her forhead shimmering. Kristina then started to circle while the yellow stick with a yellow star on top appeared then Kristina swung it around, with white ribbon out, her body which produced a white suit. Kristina opened her eyes and swung her sticka round her legs which large boots with a yellow star on the top and navy blue on the top. The yellow star surronding Kristina flashed yellow and Kristina appeared in a Navy Blue bow on the front with a light blue bow on the back. White gloves with Navy blue truffles on the end on the end appeared on her arms. A navy blue terria formed on her forhead with a yellow star in the middle. She also had a navy blue short skirt attached to her sailor suit. Jodi and Kimi looked at the new senshi in front of them smiling. Kristina started to talk in rapid fire english to kimi then looked at Jodi who was grinning at her. Kimi had got up off her bed and walked to get a lookat her friend. Her friend was very nicely dressed in colors that went well with her. She started to cry but then Kristina looked at her smiling wiping her tears. "Kimi-chan cheer up! I'll need your help on our mission." Kimi stepd back and with her most confident voice she yelled, "Silver Crystal Power." Kimi's eyes closed as a bright green star appeard on her forehead. Her clothes vanished as she held her hands closer to her. The green star grew to cover her top half. A white sailor suit appeared around her. A green and white stick appeared in Kimi's hand as she opend her eyes. Kimi twirled her stick around her body to make a pair of green low boots. A bright green light erupted and she was in a sailor suit with a dark green bow and skirt. On her forhead was a navy blue tierra with a dark green star in the middle. Kristina looked at her friend and smiled. Flashes of a battle appeard to her. She couldn't help but reconiguse the faces of herself and her best friend Kimi. In the battle was a team fighting but it seemed to look as if they enemy was lossing. She covered her eyes from tears in shame. "Jodi." Kristina looked at Jodi with her eyes of tears. "Jodi why have you done this to us? We were hanished to never to be awaken again." Kristina's regular clothes came back to her as a tear drop fell on her bow to make a locket. The locket fell into her arms and opened. Everyone looked at the locket which held a picture of Kristina in a princess dress with a prince in the other. Neither looked happy in the picture for Kristina knew perfectly well that neither of them were happy when the pictures were taken. Kimi looked at the locket closely on her friends arm but nothing came to her. Jodi looked at Kristina and smiled. "You were awaken by me to find everyone to fight as a team the evil that your mother banished with the team. She had banashed the Senshi's to never awaken except you kurisutiina. The leader and the princess, she knew she had banish you, but she made it clear to her people that she would handle everything. As a result to that, your power and memory was not erased. But would be given back only if your power was given back. You're mother never did banish you, but she forced a marriage on you to that prince by both sets of parents so that your power would grow and you would fall in love." Tears formed on everyone's eyes then all looked at Kristina. Kimi was about to talk but held onto it when Kristina picked up the locket and began to talk in Japanese like Jodi. "The only thing was like Jodi knows I did fall in love but it was not to the prince in here. These pictures were taken of us after the marriage. Neither of us wanted eachothere since he knew I was in love wtih another guy, but he had yet to find a love. I was heart broken after everyone was bannished. I grew up with the Prince and was happy for his encouragement and being there for me. He was a wonderful guy and he told me to follow my dreams." Kristina took a long look at the picutres then looked it. She got up and put the locket around her neck, tears still going in her eyes. Jodi nodded her head and looked down. "The love of Kurisutiina's life was a part of the team. She had fallen in love with him when she had gone to his palace to see a old friend but steped into something else. A corrination was going on and since most people knew everyone, Kurisutiina was pushed to the front of the crowd and saw him. 'Horray for the new Prince' everyone cheered. The young Prince was just a year younger then Kurisutiina but once he heard the commotion and spotted the Princess they both knew they had fallen in love. The young Prince had come to her corrination but he was still a young boy of the royal family." Kristina looked at Jodi and nodded. Kristina began to speak again as Kimi came up to her. Kimi smiled at her friend and finnished the story. "Mother had given him his power after the marriage to protect me. I was happy that day when the Senshi's had turned against eachother. At the battle my mother banished them all. With the power my mother had given me I was able to live the way I wanted. I was still married but that dind't stop me from trying my power. As soom as my mother died evil came again. I tried my power against it, but it was to srong. I had passed out from power and evil took over my mother's land. While conconsious, In my dream was the young Prince was fighting the evil with me. I used the last of my power to send my kingdown's people here to be reborn with me." Kimi took it all in but nothing came to her.