This is the Story of Sailor Earth Sailor Earth Part 1 Past Present Future The Sailor Senshi of the Earth were just a myth during the Silver Millenium. The King and Queen of the Earth were growing old. They had 1 son they named Endymion. Everybody thought they wouldn't have another child. Endymion was growing into a man really quickly. The King always did want a little sibling to play with. Endymion had fallen in love with Princess Serenity, the Princess of the Moon, who became his true love. She wasn't that old but she had also fallen in love with Endymion. One day out of secrecy a new child was born to the King and Queen of Earth. The child was a girl who they named Nancy. The child was kept a secret for many days to come. On the day of the battle for the Moon, after Earth got invaded, the Royal family of Earth fled to the Moon. Endymion was nowhere to be found since he had fled earlier. Queen Serenity was not aware that the Royal family of Earth was at the Masquerade, since everyone was wearing masks. During the battle of the Moon, Queen Serenity realized that Endymion was on the Moon and was killed together with her daughter. The Royal family of Earth was instantly killed in the palace. Queen Serenity was extremely sad to see that her daughter had been killed, so she sent the children of the Moon and Earth to a new time and dimension, hoping it would be peaceful there. Queen Serenity told her cat-advisers Luna and Artemis what to do in the future if the Negaverse ever broke free. Her last dying wish was to make sure her daughter would be able to live a full life. And so our story Begins... It had been an ordinary day. Mamoru had turned 5 years old. A few days ago his sister Nancy was born. They were headed to a Halloween party in the car late at night. Another car swerved in front of them. Mamoru's father swerved out of the way and the car rolled off the road. Nancy and her brother were taken to the hospital. Both of them had lost all their memories. He and his sister Nancy were separated, and put into different foster homes. When Nancy turned 14 she transferred to Cross Roads Junior High School, where she met Usagi. "Students, I'd like to introduce you to Chiba Nancy." Mrs. Haruna went on to tell about Nancy some more. Haruna yelled at Usagi who was sleeping again and told Nancy to take a seat next to Usagi. After School Usagi was walking home with her friends when she spotted Nancy. "Nancy, do you want to do something?" Usagi asked while trying to keep up with her. Nancy slowed down and had an image of someone. She didn't know who the image was but she had a feeling she knew her. The whole group walked together until they went their own ways home. Nancy went to the park instead of going home. She found the park the best place to think. She loved going to the park when she was a kid. She had always asked someone at the foster home to take her to the park. She loved playing in the sand and the bright sun shining down. That night when Nancy was sleeping, she saw the image again. The image was of a girl who looked just like Usagi but for the crescent moon on her forehead and was dressed in a beautiful white gown and of a man that was in black armor beside the girl. Nancy woke up in a sweat. She was afraid to think of who they might be; if they were friends or enemies. Nancy went back to bed and tried not to think of anything. When she fell asleep, a spirt came through the open window calling her name. "Nancy, Nancy, please wake up!" The spirit shook her. Nancy woke up in a dream. She saw a spirit who was holding a sword in one hand and was dressed in a Sailor Suit. The spirt told Nancy that she would learn her true identity soon. "I don't understand. What do you mean my true identity??" Nancy screamed, "How do you know who I am?? Who are you??" Nancy screamed even louder. "Nancy, that image you have in your mind is someone who guards you. You will understand everything. I will guide you when your true identity appears." The spirt left after repeating the words, "It is your destiny, It is your destiny." Nancy woke up in a sweat. Her long bright red hair blowing in the wind. She thought her dream was all that. How could a dream be real? She always asked herself that, when she had a dream so realistic. The first realistic dream she had was of a Princess asking for a crystal all the time. She always looked so sad and crying. The next day at school she sat next to Usagi as usual but kept her mind on the girl in her dream. Usagi tried to talk to Nancy but gave up after awhile. "Nancy," Usagi whispered, "Why are you so bummed out?" Nancy once again ignored her. After school, Usagi found Mamoru wounded and talked to him. Mamoru then left and Usagi got worried and followed him. After a while, they both transformed and were in Beryl's palace. That day they found out who Sailor Venus was after school. Zoisite was trying to destroy them. Zoisite's crystal hit Tuxedo Kamen and he fell. While this was all happening, Nancy's head was exploding in pain. She didn't understand why. Sailor Moon started crying and the Imperium Silver Crystal appeared in front of her and transformed her into the Princess of the Moon. Tuxedo Kamen was transformed into Prince Endmyion, the Prince of Earth. Now more than ever Nancy's head was exploding. It disappeared in a minute and teleported Nancy to where everyone else was. "Nancy!!" everyone yelled in unison. They were all surprised to see her and what she had to do with them. Nancy saw the Princess and said, "So dreams can be true!" After that Nancy closed her eyes and was transformed into a white dress. It was exactly like Serenity's dress. The Earth loved the Moon and was grateful for them helping out. (Writers Note: This last sentence is why she is wearing the same dress as Serenity.)