Part 2 - Sailor Earth Sailor Earth revealed. The memories of long ago returned. "Endymion-sama," Serenity whispered. "Serenity," Endymion whispered. Serenity started to cry but stopped when Endymion touched her cheek. "I remember now, I am Princess Serenity of the Moon and you are Prince Endymion of the Earth." Serenity said, "Nancy was your sister, Endymion, the one you never knew about. She was born just before the great battle. I often look at the Earth and admired its green trees and the Earth's wind. I found a love. It was you, Endymion. You tried your best to protect me but we were both killed by Beryl." Serenity cried even more now while Nancy told her story. "As you know I am Princess Nancy of Earth. I don't know much about my past because I was so young." Nancy sat by the ever so weak Endymion, who was on Princess Serenity, to finish her story. "After Beryl attacked the Earth, we fled to the Moon, hoping Beryl wouldn't get there. Endymion, we needed you on the Earth, but I understand why you left. True love can never be beaten." Just then Princess Serenity reverted back to Sailor Moon and Princess Nancy reverted back to a Sailor Senshi. Sailor Jupiter caught Nancy and asked everyone whose power Nancy has. "I hope you got a good look at your Princess because she's going down in history," Zoisite said trembling. Malachite appeared and asked Zoisite what happened. (Once Usagi changed into Serenity, she blasted Zoisite with her crystal to make him tremble.) Malachite told the Senshi's that he wanted the crystal at any cost. The 4 guardians protected Serenity, Endymion, and Nancy. They fought hard but found out they wanted Endymion. Everyone else left. Jupiter carried Moon and Mars carried Earth. None of them knew what power Nancy had yet but Luna and Artemis were about to tell everyone. After a few minutes of walking Jupiter was getting tired of carrying Sailor Moon, "She may be a Princess but she isn't light," Jupiter called out. "I heard that," Sailor Moon said. Sailor Moon got off Jupiter's back and asked a million questions. Mars laid Nancy down on the floor carefully. Sailor Moon stopped asking questions and went over to Nancy. "Nancy, Nancy!!" she screamed. "You must get up, please get up!!" Sailor Moon screamed while shaking Nancy. Sailor Moon was crying all over Nancy. They had so much in common she didn't want to lose another friend today. Everyone was hoping for Nancy. Nancy's memories had hit her like a ton of bricks. She didn't have time to let it sink in like Serenity. Nancy woke up a few minutes later still very weak but managed to sit up. Nancy didn't know she reverted back at all, neither did she know she had gained the power of Sailor Earth. She felt strong energy flowing through her from her past. She looked down at herself and noticed herself in a Sailor suit. She didn't think anything about it until later. "Enough with the warm and fuzzy moments," Artemis said while he and Luna walked in, "You must understand your past in order to understand your future Sailor Senshi's." "Our memories are just returning too," Luna told everyone. "All of you are Sailor Senshi's. The same ones as in the past. You are all guardians of Princess Serenity, but are also Princesses of your respective planets." "A long time ago during the time of the Silver Millennium, there was a kingdom on the Moon ruled by Queen Serenity. She was a fair and gentle ruler who was raising her daughter to follow in her footsteps. The Moon and Earth were great friends. The Sailor Senshi of the Earth was just a legend to everyone. Nobody knew about the new born Princess of the Earth. She was kept a secret to everyone." Luna then looked at the Senshi's who by now figured out who Nancy was. "One day the Moon was attacked. The Moon Kingdom was forever destroyed. Queen Serenity was heart broken over her daughter so she sent you the future on Earth. Artemis and I were Queen Serenity's cat-advisors." Everyone looked at Sailor Moon who was in tears. She had listened carefully to Luna and Artemis's story and was still in tears. Venus understood the story. "We are the Sailor Senshi's, the same one who protect Sailor Moon, the Princess we've been looking for. Nancy was the hidden new-born baby. We must destroy Queen Beryl once and for all. Remember Sailor Moon, you're the Princess and our leader." Venus looked down at Sailor Moon who had stopped crying. Nancy got up to sit next to Sailor Moon. Usagi was the first real friend she had, and the first person with whom she had so much in common. "Serenity," Sailor Earth said, "I know you're worried about Endymion. I am too." Nancy's eyes were beginning to water. Now that she really knew who she was and who was in her dream, she felt like a team and finally knew her true duty. Nancy put her hand on Sailor Moon to lift herself up. She felt a stranger in the room and concentrated on her power, let out and energy burst that got cloaked and vanished into thin air by someone. "Nancy!" someone called, "Remember who you are, remember your past!" Nancy's head was exploding again with memories. These were memories of a spirit. The spirit was of a new born baby, she had touched the baby's forehead to make her breathe. The baby was not breathing or moving when it was born. The doctors were speechless when the baby started to breathe on its own. "I saved you, Nancy; I needed you, so I could hand down my power. Now that you know your past, I will guide you." Nancy started screaming, looked at everyone and called out, "Amber!!" Sailor Earth then fainted and was transformed back to Nancy.