Sailor Earth Part 3. The Mystery Shadow Appears. Is she friend or enemy? Who really is she? Sailor Amber was dressed exactly like Nancy, but had a sword in one arm and the symbol of Earth glowing on her forehead. Sailor Amber was the first ever Sailor Senshi of the Earth who lived in the Golden Millennium when Queen Serenity was just a Princess. They had been the best of friends and she (Amber) knew one day her power would be handed down to the next Princess of the Earth. Princess Serenity remembered the name from when she was a kid. Her mother talked about her quite often when she wasn't busy. "Sailor Amber, do you remember me? I am Princess Serenity of the Silver Millennium!" Serenity had tears going down her cheeks, "I am Queen Serenity's daughter." Sailor Amber got up and put her hands together as if to pray. Sailor Moon's tiara vanished to reveal Sailor Moon's crescent moon. Sailor Amber didn't know who Sailor Moon was and wasn't paying attention to her either. Sailor Amber didn't want to talk to anyone, she came to see only Sailor Earth, who was still unconscious. After a few moments of examining Sailor Earth, Amber got hit by a beam of white light that sent her flying to the ground. Sailor Amber got up very angrily. "Who are you?" Sailor Amber turned around to see Sailor Moon with a crescent moon on her forehead. "I am Princess Serenity from the Silver Millennium. I am Queen Serenity's daughter, the Princess of the Moon." Sailor Moon's crescent moon disappeared and her tiara came back. Sailor Amber never thought that her best friend would become Queen of the Silver Millennium, then would pass down her power to her daughter, who would be reincarnated in the future. "Silver Millennium?" Sailor Amber turned around to look around at everyone. She didn't know who anyone was except for Sailor Moon. "Serenity, what happened to your mother? We were the greatest of friends until I was killed. I was the first Sailor Senshi of Earth!" Sailor Amber knew she had to do something for Nancy who was in a coma on the floor. She had tears running down her eyes when she thought of the Silver Millennium.. "Serenity, was the Silver Millennium just as everyone hoped it would be?" Sailor Amber looked her straight in the eyes. Sailor Moon crouched down to Amber and put her hand on her shoulder. To Moon's surprise she was able to touch Amber's shoulder even in spirit form. "The Silver Millennium was that and so much more." Sailor Moon's touch was what was needed to transform Amber into a human. Everyone gasped at the two. Luna and Artemis hadn't said much during the little reunion but they knew they had to get out of here sooner or later. "Sorry to break your reunion but if we're going to save Endymion we've got to get out of here!" Luna told everyone while coming out of the shadows into the spot light. "What are we going to do about Nancy?" Jupiter asked sadly looking at Sailor Earth. After listening to Jupiter's speech, everyone looked at Nancy. Amber staggered to her feet thinking about Serenity. "I will not allow what happened to me to happen again." Everyone turned around in shock to see Amber staggering to keep her balance. "Earth Life Regeneration." A green ball of light went right through everyone and engulfed Nancy. After a minute, Nancy woke up to everyone crying over her. Amber was on her knees from the lack of power used up. Nancy slowly woke up from what she thought was just a nightmare. She looked around and found herself in a valley with flowers all around her. She remembered everything that happened to her but she didn't know where she was. Nancy quickly got up and looked at herself. She wasn't in her Sailor suit, but dressed as a Princess, in a city of crystals. "Where am I?" Since Nancy didn't see anyone she picked some flowers. "So you must be Nancy! My mother has told me a lot about you." Small Lady greeted the guest and introduced herself as Neo Princess Serenity. Small Lady grabbed Nancy's hand and lightly tugged at Nancy's arm to lead her to the castle. On the way Small Lady sensed Nancy's hesitations and tried not to let it get to herself. They walked for a few minutes and then arrived at the castle. Small Lady led Nancy to a room where her parents were and then ran to her mother who greeted her. Nancy looked at Small Lady, then at her mother and noticed that Small Lady had the same hairstyle as Usagi. Nancy shook the idea of Small Lady being Usagi's daughter away. King Endymion offered Nancy a seat and started talking to her. "Nancy, don't be afraid!" Nancy sat down and relaxed. Endymion got up and put his hands on Neo-Queen Serenity shoulders. Neo-Queen Serenity then looked up, over at Nancy, whom she didn't notice come in. "Nancy, your thoughts about us are right. You may not think you know me, but I assure you, you do know!" Neo-Queen Serenity stood up and put her hands around her daughter. "Nancy, you where brought here in your mind, but you must wake up from your dream into the past." Small Lady put a spell on Nancy which put Nancy back into her mind, still in the coma, just before Amber put her spell on her. "Don't forget me," Small Lady said at the last moment. Nancy woke up in the past on Jupiter who had tears running down her face onto Nancy. Nancy staggered to her feet and told everyone they must go. If they would stay any longer, everyone would be sad and they wouldn't want to leave. Everyone got up and headed out. "Where do you think your going Sailor Senshi's?" Malachite questioned. Zoisite was just killed by Queen Beryl and Malachite wasn't going to let anyone go. Everyone stopped and turned around to see Malachite just standing about to attack. "Malachite, you're not evil. You are under Beryl's power, please cast aside the evil within you and find who you really are!" Nancy never was much of a speaker but she couldn't let anything stand in her way. "Malachite, you are a soldier of good, not of evil! Before my mother died, she made my brother promise not to hurt you, but she knew at the battle that you were no longer good but under the power of evil. I don't want to hurt you, Malachite, but I will if you try and hurt someone who I care about!!" Nancy turned around sharply and told Malachite that he had hurt someone she cared about so she would destroy him. Malachite laughed at Sailor Earth and said he would always be evil. "If you want me, Sailor Earth, come and fight! Your Sailor Pals are welcome to come too, but you will be the one to be hurt. Your powers can not defeat me. If you're not afraid, then meet me on the top. This time your friend Tuxedo Mask can't save you!" With those words Malachite disappeared to find out about Tuxedo Mask...