Part 7 Future Greetings Endymion smiled at the small child. He couldn't help but feeling a good side inside himself. Looking at the child made him remember good things, but he knew he was evil. Malachite looked at Endymion, then studied the kid. "Endymion," Malachite called out. Endymion came out of his daydream, shooting Malachite a look. "Slr Moon, your downfall will be remembered by everyone, but yourself shall never get out of here alive." Endymion nodded his head slightly at Malachite. Slr Moon clutched the Moon Stick and walked forward, with Small Lady close behind her. Looking Endymion straight in the eyes, she closed her eyes. A bright light erupted from the Silver Crystal, engulfing Small Lady, Slr Moon, Endymion, and Malachite, ending as quickly as it came. The four found themselves in a dream state, floating around. Small Lady looked around, trying to move around. Sailor Moon and Endymion were close, with Malachite surfing after the child. "Malachite, have you ever stopped to consider what you did to Endymion?" Slr Moon looked at Malachite coldly. "The four generals are the generals of the Earth. Generals of Prince Endymion. You were the only outsiders of the Royal Family to learn about the birth of a Princess to the family. " Slr Moon looked at Endymion, crying, the Silver Crystal glowing in her hands. A flash of light from two sources formed and turned Slr Moon into Serenity. Small Lady fled over to Slr Moon, touching the crystal. Endymion shouted in pain, clutching his head. The birth of his sister appeared, but no breathing or moving. The two sources or light grew inside Endymion, soon engulfing him. Endymion fainted and all was quiet. The sources of light soon ripped through Malachite who just stood, not knowing what to do. Images of the four generals good came into his head. Malachite soon fainted, with the Earth Prince trying to rescue him when he was a child, with 3 other people. "Endymion cried for days when you were taken, and now look at what you've done to him!" Jupiter caught Malachite, while Endymion collapsed on Serenity. Serenity gave Endymion a passionate kiss, which had awaken him. "Usako, arigatou." A red rose fell from Endymion, landing on Small Lady. The little princess smiled and hugged her father. Getting up, Small Lady closed her eyes and put her hand over Malachite. "Nancy is lucky to have great friends, so won't you stay with us and help fight? I will be going soon, so you must understand, that, what Serenity-moma does, is the best interest of everyone!" Nancy had awaken suddenly, hearing Slr Moon. Closing her eyes, a bream of while light shout out from her. "I am very lucky to have such great friends," she said to herself. Opening her eyes, she smiled at everyone, looking around, finally realizing a thought that came to her. While grabbing Zac's hand, everyone went out of the room. Zac glanced at Nancy grinning. He could feel Nancy's eyes full of questions, wanting to be answered. Zac just nodded his head, whispering to Nancy that Jasmine was their daughter. Endymion had walked into the room, glancing around the room. Asking to be alone, he sat at the front of the bed with Nancy. After having kissed Nancy, Zac left the room. Nancy smiled hugely, trying to talk. "Mamoru," she whispered. "Where am I?" Nancy lay on a bed on the far side of the bed. A dresser lay beside the bed, with many pictures on top. A window on the other side of the room was open, with a light wind coming in. A picture caught Nancy attention. In the frame was Nancy, in a wedding dress, with Zac in his green Armor behind her. She looked very proud and extremely happy with Zac. Another picture frame, right beside the other one, showed Zac in his green Armor, Nancy in a beautiful white dress, that was similar to Serenity's, but didn't have any specialities, except for a huge bow in the back. It was also not as long as Serenity's, either. A girl, whom she had met a few days before, lay sitting in her lap with the same dress, but in her size. It was taken in a big meadow, Endymion told her, everyone was laughing. Endymion had told Nancy he had snapped the picture, right before he fell in a puddle of mud. Nancy started to laugh a little with Endymion. "Mamoru," Nancy looked into his eyes, "I know why I'm here, but you do know, I must go back to the past, where I belong." Nancy looked around at all the other pictures, that lay on the dresser close by. Getting up, Endymion started to pause, his dark hair flowing with him. He put his hand through his hair, looking back at Nancy. "I know," he said sadly. "It's been so long, since anyone called me Mamoru." Endymion sat on the bed again, starting to cry a little. "I've been called Endymion for more than I can remember. Mamoru is the name that still sticks with me, longing to be called." Grabbing Nancy's hand very gently, he kissed it. "Never forget, that I, Chiba Mamoru, will always be the brother, who will love you for ever." Getting up, walking to the dresser, Endymion picked up one of the larger photographs. In the photo was Mamoru in plain clothes, while Nancy was just a child. Or, Endymion thought so all along. It was actually Mamoru and Nancy, a few days before the car accident that, caused their parents death. The doctors had given him that picture, while he was in the hospital. He always looked forward to being reunited with his sister. It was a moment Mamoru, longed to, still, have, green grass and a little sister to bug . He remembered his father, taking the picture outside. Nancy was in a nice long, red dress. Her green eyes shining in the sun. Nancy had pulled the covers up and began to find her clothes. Picking up a pair of clean clothes, Nancy went to the bathroom to change, thinking about her brother, now King and Usagi, her best friend, being a Queen. She knew that destiny would take over and make the brother she loved sad, but very proud. She walked into the bedroom, looking at her brother, sadly. Always true to his name. A real brother and protector of hers. Nancy was dressed in a long, blue skirt with a red blouse, that matched her hair. Endymion had turned and looked at his little sister, giving her the picture that he had in his hands. "It's so, you'll always remember your childhood with me. Never give up and always make sure that..." "That destiny is carried out", Nancy said smiling hugely. "You said that when we were just kids; I will always remember it!" Nancy hugged her brother and gave him a kiss on his cheek. Blushing, Endymion stepped back, bowing over to his little sister.