Part 4 "Accident" As the words came out of Kim's mouth the Slr Senshi's were all taking a walk to the park to relax when the energy from Kim erupted. The girls ran, but were soon grabbed from behind and striped of their sticks and Usagi's broach. The two men attackers looked at the girl to be about 16 year old, but defiantly not Japanese. "Joey we are not here to kidnap the Slr Senshi's," Matt said looking at his watch. "I came here to find Kristina!" he said grinning at his partner. "You don't have to come, but I have to see her with your help or not." He nudged his partner hard looking at him very angry. Joey threw the Senshi's their stuff. Matt bowed as the two left. The girls stood up grabbing their things knowing what was happening. "The Star's has been awaken." Luna repeated while running into Jodi as the girls ran into Kristina and Kim. Kim had just repeated the words as her transformation was about to begin in front of everyone. Kristina yelled clutching her ears, collapsing on Matt. Her suit disappeared to reveal her school uniform with her locket open revealing the two pictures. Matt took the locket off of Kristina before everyone rushed over trying to wake his girlfriend. It had seem to him that nobody noticed him, so he moved out of the action. He opened the locket to reveal Kristina unhappy in a beautiful white gown, with Joey unhappy in all black armour. He looked up then knew the solution of the locket as he looked at Kristina. Matt moved his way through the crowd until he reached Kristina. He got down on one knee putting his hands underneath Kristina. Kimi stood behind Matt when he picked up Kristina. She spoke softly, demanding to know what was going on. Kristina didn't move as Matt held her which freighted both of them. Kimi moved once Matt ordered her out of the way. Everyone started to run after Matt until Kimi put her hands out. "Matt won't hurt her," she said manfully. "once you've been in her position you would understand how they feel." Looking at Usagi nodding her head. Kimi detransformed to reveal who she was. Like everyone else, she was still had on her school uniform. After everyone sat down she explained who she was, and why she did what she did. "Kristina is my best friend, my leader, as Matt is her boyfriend, and true love." Usagi looked up to see Kim standing yelling the words. Kimi got up and whispered in her eat that without Kristina's power she wouldn't be able to transform. Joey who was sitting got up and left not wanting to hear anymore. After walking several minutes, always looking back, Matt stopped and put Kristina down on a bench in a park close by. "So the romantic couple has finally stopped," Malachite began, "but you will face what I have in store. This time no one will see or hear you." Malachite laughed. Matt looked back to see a tall man wearing casual clothes with his hands coming out of his pants pocket. His long black hair made him look strong but didn't reveal much about him. "Now you will face what was rightfully Queen Beryl's." Malachite put his hands together and drained all the strength from Kristina and Matt who soon collapsed hitting his head on the cement, to unconsciousness. Queen Beryl grinned ever so slightly at Malachite's progress as he stood before her. "So Malachite," she said waving her hands over her crystal ball, "you have made much progress collecting energy," she turned her head to see Malachite, "but be warned. You failed many times, just because one was a success, doesn't mean I haven't thought about your losses. Fail me again and you shall face the penalty." Beryl stopped for a moment. "LIFE," Queen Beryl laughed evilly. Malachite bowed grinning then disappeared. Lights flashed off and on, white voices over powered his mind. Matt's mind was rolling over and over as voices yelled orders to each other while the EMT's were rushing him into a hospital, telling the doctors everything. A bandage was rapped tightly around his head a few times while hear monitors were all over his bare chest. Trying to yell out but nothing came out. His eyes closed wondering where Kristina was. After a few hours Matt had woken up to a white room. A Japanese doctor checking his chart by his bed. Noticing Matt was awake he looked at him, mentioning not to move. Noticing a name tag on the doctor, he tried to read it, but his vision was to blurry to read it. The doctor started talking to Matt in slow Japanese but soon gave up after his patient was still looking curiously at him. After looking at Matt's chart, he flipped a few pages writing on it every so often. Looking back at Matt, he put the chart back at the end of the bed and left. The room was all white with some posters all in Japanese. Matt didn't know how big the room was or if anyone else was in the room, since a curtain was all around his bed. Trying to get up, he fell back after a few inches. His head was pounding since he woke up, clutching it in pain was the only thing he could do. Soon after hitting the pillow he fell asleep. Kristina awoke with a huge headache in a dim lit room, making out pictures saying to give blood. Noticing a doctor sitting down by the door, wearing a white lab coat writing down a few things on different papers on a clip board. Kristina didn't know how long she had been unconscious but she noticed the doctor was wiping his eyes as if he had just been woken u, a stethoscope around his neck. A plastic plate fell as the doctor look up sharply smiling at his patient. Kristina nodded her head and answered the question he asked. Flipping through the paper he asked some question about family. After answering the doctors questions he asked a few more while examining her. Flipping through a few more pages, then added surprising her in English if she knew a young man with dark brown hair about 5'5" named Matt. After a few more minutes of talk Kristina stopped put of the hospital with her bag, and a small bottle of pills, she was told to take 3 times a day. Kristina headed in the direction of the hospital, with directions.