Part 5 Everyone say around a small table with lots of homemade goodies Makoto brought from home. Kimi who invited Kim were also sitting around thinking up idea for the new team. "Why can't they just become part of the Slr Senshi's?" Minako questioned. Kimi who had been day dreaming answered the question. "We can't be! The Slr Stars were meant never to be created." She looked angry at the others. "The Slr Senshi's were created for man kind, we weren't. And now we've already lost two of the team and two be created." Kimi got up saying sorry storming out. Usagi walked out of the temple seeing Kimi crying on a nearby bench. Usagi sat down and put a hand on her shoulder. "Kimi-san," Usagi began, " you must not feel angry about who you are. Out of everyone I can tell you want to be a normal teenager as I've always wanted, but you must realise that you are one of the team. If you loose hope everyone will." Kimi looked up smiling. "So SailorMoon we meet again." Endymion grinned. Usagi and Kimi looked up to see Endymion floating in the air. Endymion shot a burst of energy towards Usagi who pushed Kimi out of the way, barley missing the energy burst. "Mamoru-san why?" Usagi yelled pulling out her locket. "This is our locket. The symbol of our love. Doesn't this mean anything to you?" Everyone else ran outside to notice Endymion laughing. "All that stops me from getting the Ginsuishou is you." Endymion grinned crossing his arms. The Slr Senshi's are nothing again the negaverse." "Who made you boss all of a sudden?" Joey questioned walking up the steps to the temple. He grinned heavily at Endymion who turned to glare at the comment. "A puny little human is challenging me?" Endymion asked, "not even your friends can defeat the mighty Negaverse." Turning to Usagi, "just hand over the ginsuishou and I won't hurt your friend here. It's up to you. Until next time." He pulled his cape around him disappearing. After a few minutes Kirsitina had found her way to where Matt was taken. It had taken her at least 20 min. to walk, and still felt very groggy when she arrived. Knowing the hospital well she made a distraction which caused the receptionist to leave her desk. She fumbled through the drawers keeping an eye on the hallway. After almost tripping over a cord she found a bright pink note telling of a John Doe. She knew nobody spoke english to understand anything he said, so she walked towards the room saying hello the receptionist who grinned at her returning to her desk. After what seemed like forever Kristina had fallen asleep on a arm chair with lots of cushion. After a few hours she felt very weak and queasy almost to the point of throwing up. The dim light made didn't help her vision, but when she awoke a tall skinny doctor had been flipping through a chart and every so often looked up. Kristina had noticed a thick blanket over top of her which she knew she didn't put on. "Your awake." the doctor grinned. After getting up, putting the chart under his arm he felt Kristina's forehead then took her wrist to take her pulse. "Well your fever is down and your pulse is more steady." He looked hard at the groggy girl. "Still groggy?" He laughed. Kristina looked at him questionably. "How is it that you speak perfect English without an accent?" He smiled and moved his head towards his real patient. He looked at her hard making sure Kristina knew he wanted answers. "Your friend," he began, "is in serious condition. He came here with a heavy concussion and a head injury. We took him up last night for surgery and he made it. We can't tell if he'll recover with such serious injuries." He smiled slowly sitting down. "I speak perfect English because even know I am Japanese and have lived here all my life, I grew up learning English as a 1st language. When I saw you in here, when I was assigned to your friends, I had already got a call about you so I knew who you were and your condition. I gave you an antibiotic to clear up your fever and another shot for your condition." Kristina nodded fainting on the doctor. It had got quite late when everyone departed Rei's house. The Slr Star's had been quite silent through the meeting unless asked. Minako looked at the only true Slr Star Senshi. "Has anyone seen Kristina or that other guy around?" Everyone shook their head's until Joey spoke. "After Melachite appeared Matt took her." Joey looked up. "They must of been hurt for knowing Kristina well, she would of been the first one here. Kristina isn't a kid anymore. She really is a true leader who makes sure everything is done. If she was not herself, we wouldn't be here. She has always done what was best like destroying the Slr Stars. She was quite like her mother in many ways, but she always picked her future and always made sure her team was ready for an attack." Joey grinned at every ones expression.