Part 8 "Okaa-sama, Otou-sama." A young child no older than five sat down on a step wiping her eyes from crying. "Please don't cry little one." The child looked up smiling. Matt's short brown hair was soaked walking in the rain. He held a small umbrella, about the size for a child. "Otou-sama," the small child yelled running to Matt. Father and daughter embraced each other warmly. "Glad to have you back Niki." Joey called, out ruffling her short brown hair. Niki smiled and nodded at Joey. "Otou-sama," she called out at her father. "Okaa-sama." She looked behind her father. Taking his daughter's hand, he walked commenting that she must speak english. "You know I can't speak Japanese Niki. Well not like mother and yourself." "Exactly where are we going?" Neither Joey or Matt answered at first thinking of an idea. "Do you still have the necklace your mother gave you?" Looking up at her father she pulled out the bear pendant that hung loose on her neck. Forgetting about the rain that still came down hard he gave Niki the umbrella. Holding it close she remember when she first got it. It had been a birthday present to her, given to her by her mother. Just by chance it had been raining when she got it, and tested it out as soon as she could. It had been a bright red, but used so often it was now a dull red, but it was special to her. The bear pendant was a magical item she called it. It guided her to her power, and kept her safe when Crystal Tokyo was attacked. A gift from her mother also for Christmas 2 years ago. Stopping infront of a large hose Joey grinned. It was Kristina's house, « the time he didn't want to be reminded. He still loved Kristina the smae, even if Niki is matt and Kristina's future daughter. "Niki this is where your mom lives," Joey pointed out. Curiosity running away with her, Niki's eyes seemed to sparkle with excitement. She wanted to know about her parents past. She didn't know both her parents were not from Japan at all. Picking up Niki, he held her in his arms surprised to see the Slr Senshi's at the door talking. "Daijoubu ka" Niki answered. Matt nodded at her. Pointing at the ground Matt let her go. "Down." he told her. Looking around the crowd Niki searched for her mother. Hearing noises downstairs Kimi left Kristina's room going down the stairs, first spooting Matt iwth a child by his side than Joey behind Matt. Walking over the child, Kimi pulled out a kleenex giving it to her. "It's okay" Standing up she mentioned for Matt to go outside. Joey picked up Niki heading inside to a chair. Grabbing a rain coast Kimi walked outside, Matt in the lead. "Who is she Matt?" Startled Matt swore. "Niki." Stopping Matt turned to Kimi. "My daughter, Kristina's child." Placing a firm grip on Matt's arm Kimi questioned him. "How? Your not even out of school!" "Or so you think Kimi-chan." Dropping the grip on Matt's arm she let him go his own way. Kimi headed back inside where Niki had fallen asleep on Joey. Looking up Joey smiled for one. "She's starting to respnd Kimi-chan." Not bothering to hear anything else, Kimi ran outside almost slamming the door shut. "Matt," Kimi yelled as the rain dropped, lightning going off all around. "Matt," Kimi yelled louder. "Kimi don't' yell." A voice appeared behind her. Not turning around Kimi talked regular, not thinking about which language to speak. "It's Kristina." Kimi spoke. Before Kimi could utter another word Matt was gone, the door to the hose wid open, Joey grinning. Running up the stairs Matt ran as fast she he could, almost as if he lived their. After running into a few walls and wrong doors he found the open door. Startled Kristina's mother tunred around at the door. "Matt?" she questioned barley recognizing him. "How did u get here?" Being one of the only people knowing exactly which language to speak, to who ever se was talking to. Catching his breath Matt smiled walking in. "I've been here a couple weeks trying to find out exacrtly which city." Grinning he added, "Your hard to find when you don't know the language of the country well." A whimper came from from the door coming up behind to hide behind Matt. Looking behind him he noticed the long brown hair and also Joey leaning against the door way. "Otou-sama," she looked up her eyes watering again. Moving to her fathers side she noticed the one person she's known all her life. Looking up at her father she slowly sounded words, a mix of English and Japanese, to quiet to understand. "Okaa-san," Matt said trying his best not to screw up the words for mother. Niki repeated slowly moving forward to her mother. Sitting on her knees Niki pulled out her necklace. Whispering in English Niki called out words she's never known, just words comming out of her mouth. "Three necklaces representing one time and life. Two necklaces representing a hope and future. One person representing a new life." The necklace Matt had never looked at glowed around his neck, as the locket deep in Joey's pocket burning, pulling it out, holding it in his hand. The necklace Niki had glowed a pale white. Soon after everything returned to normal.