"Queen Serenity please sit still! Your not going to heal if you don't rest." Dr. Mizuno Ami was getting impatient with her patient. "King Endymion is resting peacefully. You know I care for you but I can't help you if you don't rest awhile." Neo-Queen Serenity had always been stubern but she understood why she had to rest. Neo-Queen Serenity never did like to fight and had always cared for her friends. She had a wet face cloth on her forhead and had differnt clothes on. She didn't know where she was but she did remember everything. "So your awake at last Mommy," Small Lady said while walking into the room. "I'm back to keep care of you. Please don't make me leave. I want to stay with you." Small Lady was now already crying on her mother. Prince Zac slowly but carefully walked up to Small Lady. "Chibi-Usa can I have a moment wtih Queen Serenity please?" "Hai! Not to long doctor's orders." Small Lady now gigoling. While Small Lady waited outside Prince Zac got up and proceded to his queen. "Neo-Queen Serenity I ask you to please lend me the power so I can make sure this never happens again. "Prince Zac was now crying over his Queen and then stoped and looked straight into Neo-Queen Serenity's eyes, "Please." Neo-Queen Serenity was shocked at her loyal servant. She got up and put her hands on his shoulders. She then looked at him in his nice purple eyes. "Don't Zac. I know you have great power and anger inside but this won't help. The Black Moon Family may attack again, you must help as much as you can to defend my kingdom." Neo-Queen Serenity was now remembering all teh happy moments on the Moon. Then how Queen Bearyl took and destroyed all her happyness. Queen Serenity was heart broken about her daughter so she sent her daughter and the people of the moon to a new time and dimention hoping it would be a peaceful time. "Zac, not even all of us can defeat everyone that infades my kingdom. Look into your heart and find the goodness in you. Revenge doesn't help and you know that." Prince Zac nodded his head and went to get Small Lady fpr his Queen. Small Lady after being sent out went to her father for comfort. King Endymion was sleeping but suddenly woke up. He noticed his daughter sleeping peacefully beside him. "Small Lady I will always love you as my daughter for ever and ever," he whisperd in her ear while noticing Prince Zac in the room but then pointing to Prince Zac then the door. Prince Zac left the room closed the door and left them alone. King Endymion put more blankets over his little daughter and went back to sleep. "Setsuna, I don't understand how a bratty child like Chibi-Usa is loved so much by her parents." Prince Zac never did understand. "Shhh.. All you see in Small Lady is a bratty child but her parents see the goodness and bring it out." Setsuna told Prince Zac over a cup of tea. "Look at Small Lady, we see a nice little girl, but all you've noticed is the past, a spoiled little brat. Look into your heart at Small Lady and you'll find the little girl really isn't a brat, but a loved daughter of Neo-Queen Serenity and King Endymion." Prince Zac now understood what Neo-Queen Serenity and said and what Setsuna meant. The two walked out and approched Ami. "Ami how are they? I mean Neo-Queen Serenity and King Endymion?" Prince Zac asked carefully. "They're in bad shape, but nothing to serious if they rest. I'm just worried about Queen Serenity. She hasn't gotten any sleep and doesn't want to rest. She is to afraid. King Endymion is resting and doing good. Now what am I suppose to do about Neo-Queen Serenity?" Ami thought back to the past when Usagi just learned about her past. There was nothing that could stnad her way of true love. "Ami-chan, What are about Queen Serenity? In the past nobody could stand in her way. She may be weak and all, but she knows she has a duty and she has to perform it." Setsuna knew how Neo-Queen Serenity felt. "I am agree with Puu," Prince Zac said out loud. Setsuna staried at the little Prince so very curious how he knew Small Lady's nick name for her. King Endymion got up and let his daughter sleep. He knew he was still ill and weak, but he had to get up. "Usagi," Endymion whisperd over and over. "Do you remember little Princess? They are the 4 femeal guardians sworn to protect Crystal Tokyo and the royal family. They are your loyal and true friends. These warriers are the same ones in the future. They're fighting for a peaceful future just as we are. If you wnat to see your mother again you must put your trust in them and Sailor Moon." "No don't go I'm so lonely here Puu. I want to go home please can't I come home without the crystal? I miss everyone so much." Small Lady couldn't help but feel the pain she had sufferd. She was and still is a little kid but isn't so much a brat anymore. She couldn't help but love her mother and father. "Endymion-sama? What are you doing?" "Ami-chan stop acting like a text book. Don't you understand that true love cna't be beaten? King Endymion and Neo-Queen Serenity-sama can conquer anything with their love." Prince Zac went back to explain, "We've all learned from them and now we are like baking up from them. Neo-Princess Serenity was once a brat I admit but I didn't see it till I considered myself. Queen Serenity put her future on the line for her duaghter and now Neo-Queen Serenity has put her self on the line to protect her daughter. It does make sence once you think about it. "Mommy, Daddy." Small Lady screamed when running to her parents. Neo-Princess Serenity was in tears over her parents and soon fell asleep on her mother. "Small Lady may be a brat but she's not anymore. Prince Zac please understand how we feel. I'm glad you finally relized about someone." Neo-Queen Serenity stood up, "Now if you don't mind I'd like to go home and put my daughter to bed."